
Our full-time commuter students are an integral part of the 榆树大学 community and have all the same services and support available as full-time resident students.

Student Identification Card

The 榆树大学 student ID card is issued through the Office of Student Affairs, located on the first floor of the Mary Dooley College Center. The office can also provide information about where you can receive discounts at area attractions with your student ID.


There are computer labs on campus that are available to all 榆树大学 students. You will need your student ID card to use one of these labs. The labs are located on the first floor of the Mary Dooley College Center, in rooms 203 and 209 of Berchmans Hall, and the lower level of 女校友库. Additional resources are available in the Learning Commons, located on the first level of the 女校友库.


If you are matriculating in a specific academic program, you will be assigned an advisor in your department of study. If you are undecided, you can receive advising from the Office of Academic Affairs, located on the first floor in Berchmans Hall, at phone extension 2222.


Tutors are available to assist in any academic subject area and will help you to develop stronger study 技能 for tests and examinations. Please visit the Center for Student Success or contact the director, Regina Tillona at 413-265-2304.


Aladdin, our food service vendor, provides all students with the opportunity to purchase a meal plan. 访问 the cash register in the dining hall to sign up for your meal plan.

There are also vending machines available in the Mary Dooley College Center, 马奎尔中心, 和伯奇曼斯大厅.


Lockers are located in the basement of the Mary Dooley College Center. Students must provide their own locks.


The Career Center provides resources and programs to support your career exploration.  Assistance may include: finding internships; looking for part-time and full-time employment; preparing for graduate school; internship sites, to future professional employment opportunities. The center director can help you identify and clarify your short- and long-term goals, 品质, 技能, 知识, 人才, 和能力, and guide you in applying these qualifications in hands-on learning experiences. Individual appointments can be arranged by contacting J Marshall, Director of 职业服务, at marshallj@gypsyleina.com or 413-265-2272.


The commuter council was formed by commuter students to provide them with a forum for addressing issues relevant to their unique concerns. All commuters are encouraged to participate in the commuter council, which can provide networking opportunities and a sense of belonging to the greater campus community.